Saturday, 12 February 2011

My special little man

Dylan is one of my rescue springers....
He is the softest lump that you will ever meet.
Every day both he and Daisy love to run through the woods to see what they can find....
On one walk this week, Dylan worked really hard at finding this.....
This ball become his pride and joy. He looked after the ball really well and loved playing with it all day. He was so careful with it all day.
Then at night time there was a loud pop and the ball hissed down to nothing....
This was what he thought of that one!!!
Another task for the dyson!!! Oh how I love my dyson....
Daisy never sits long enough for a piccy but I'll try and get one soon.
Nikki x


  1. Aww he's soo cute, I have a lovely big lump too....adorable & great company too. Hope you're keeping well :D
    Ann xx

  2. he he he he!! He had fun with that one then!! LOL :0)


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